Rescue Brew

Munich Helles

Limited Releases Crisp

On Tap (DRM)
On Tap (RTP)

Rescue Brew is a classic style (Munich Helles) with a citrusy twist. Instead of traditional noble hops, we give the lager and lemony finish with ten pounds of lemon peel and generous additions of Lemondrop and Citra hops.

A collaboration among Fullsteam, RTP Uncorked, and Boxyard RTP, Rescue Brew raised nearly $40,000 for Beautiful Together Animal Sanctuary -- all through a label competition to name the Top Pup, Top Kitty, and Top Beautiful Creature. The top three winners have their pet on a label, illustrated by visual artist Echo Wilson!

Congratulations to our winners.

Top Pup: Justice Grey, the Best Boy

Top Kitty: Zelda, the Protector of Hyrule Castle

Top Beautiful Creature: Thorin Pokenshield, Spirited Explorer


to name the Top Pup, Top Kitty, and Top Beautiful Creature. To learn more about the 2024 entries (the winners are featured on the label) visit .

Alc. By Vol.
To-Go Options
Drink It With
Grains Epiphany Olfaction, Pilsner malt, Locally malted barley (Munich)
Hops Lemondrop, Citra
Yeast Diamond Lager
Other Lemon Peel

Awards & Certifications

Independent Brewery Certified

Craft Malt Certified

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