Fullsteam 100

New Southern Lager

Limited Releases Malt

We've been chasing this vision of a truly local Southern Lager since we launched in 2010.

On opening day (August 13, 2010), one of our four beers was simply called "Fullsteam" - a steam-style / California Common that we hoped would become our eponymous flagship offering.

A Southern Lager that, over time, we would take from a zero local malt to 100 percent.

Truthfully, we found it difficult to establish both a brewery name and a beer of the same name. Especially a somewhat niche beer style, especially in a decade when IPAs reigned supreme.

So we put this project on hold and stopped brewing this rustic, amber lager, and we put our focus on local malts to our Craft Malt Certified and Plow to Pint certified beers, all brewed with 100 percent local malt.

Riverbend Malt House's upcoming #southernlagerinvitational inspired us to brew Fullsteam once again. Now called Fullsteam 100, it's the culmination of a 13-year vision to brew a 100 percent locally farmed and malted Southern Lager beer simply called "Fullsteam."

Something we literally could only dream of when we launched in 2010.

Come see us at the Southern Lager Invitational, where Fullsteam and over 20 breweries will serve up our collective vision of Southern lager. Join us Saturday, May 25th (Memorial Day weekend) at The Mule at Devil's Foot Beverage!

Alc. By Vol.
N.C. Malt
To-Go Options
12oz Cans
Drink It With
Grains Epiphany Kandy Krush, Riverbend Crystal 50, Riverbend "Plow to Pint" Pilsner Malt, Epiphany Smooth Operator
Hops Cascade, Northern Brewer

Awards & Certifications

100% N.C. Malt

Independent Brewery

Craft Malt Certified

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