White IPA
The star of this beer: Makrut lime leaves, grown and sold to us by Transplanting Traditions (Orange County, N.C.). Transplanting Traditions serves our region's Burmese community, providing refugees of all ages access to land, healthy food, and agricultural and entrepreneurial opportunities.
In a time when walls dominate the news cycle, we're thankful that Transplanting Traditions has fostered and cultural and community space for refugees from Burma, providing access to land and a connection to one other...true community here in the heartland of North Carolina.
As for the beer, we start with a Belgian Wit yeast, then add pillowy wheat, citrusy hops, coriander, and pungent Makrut (Thai Lime) leaves. The result is a hoppy, cirtusy, vibrant beer. Is the beer's taste of place Belgian? Burmese? Piedmont?
All of the above.
Grains | Pilsner malt, Locally malted wheat, Locally malted barley (Foundation), Local triticale (malted), Local triticale (farmed) |
Hops | Lemondrop, Eureka! |
Yeast | Belgian Wit |
Other | Makrut lime leaves, Coriander |
Southern Sourced

Local triticale (farmed)

Local triticale (malted)

Locally malted barley (Foundation)

Locally malted wheat